We provide awareness about the prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking within our communities. All too often, we are all in denial that this could happen right here where we live, where our children go to school and where we deem it to be safe.
By being aware of how easy it is for predators to connect, groom and exploit minors through social media, chat rooms interactions, we enable parents and caretakers to pro-actively ward off predators.

"Spot the Signs" Training
Being able to recognize a potential child sex trafficking situation as an observer and being able to take action by alerting the National Human Trafficking hotline or Law Enforcement, is a vital step in Breaking the Chain of Human Trafficking.
Business Engagement
Retail and Hospitality businesses play a vital role in creating awareness and in providing a lifeline to victims within our communities.

Empowering Parents
Childhood 2.0 puts new demands on parenting that might differ to when they grew up. Our children are experiencing social media applications and gamification at an earlier stage
Event Speaker & Panelist
We welcome the opportunity to provide talks and panel discussions on a variety of Child Sex Trafficking topics at one of your events